Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hair & Self Image

*The image to the left was taken 5 years ago, and the image to the right is last year.

For a long time I had problems with the way I looked. I thought my lips were too big, my face was too long, my eyes were not symmetrical (well, still to this day I don't think my eyes look anything like one another lol), and my nose was oddly shaped. When I was younger I was made fun for being really ugly and things of that ungodly nature.

When I grew my hair long it was a tool that I used to define who I was. My hair made me someone worth getting to know because that was usually what made people notice me. I didn't like who I was so I hid behind my hair; it was my personality and I was the pedestal to showcase it. I lived that way for over 10 years.

So the summer of last year I had made a choice. This was the year I was to turn 21, and at this point I am more comfortable with myself. My fashion had changed to what I had wanted it to be. My skin was clearing up. I didn't care what people thought anymore. I was beginning to grow into myself. So this was when I had realized how much of a roll my hair had played in my life, and I had to prove to myself that if I cut it I would still be attractive, I could still be someone worth talking to. I had felt for a long time that I would be nothing without my hair because my hair was really all I had.

So... I cut it, and to be honest I felt a lot better about myself once I did. I never would have realized how liberating it was. And with this newly gained confidence about myself, I grew as a person and gained a positive vision of myself.

After I had shed that old skin of myself and now that I walk in this metamorphosed form of myself I see what it is that I do (or whatever it is that people who gawk at me and wonder what the hell it is that I am doing) is not to be different. I don't think that being different is the true purpose; I think that it is simply just a misinterpretation. The purpose is for me to be who I am and for you to be who you are. No questions asked. NO regrets.

♥ Kimokeo

PS -- I think I am ready to grow it back now :)


  1. reading this made me think about the journey i went through to be who i am today. they're pretty similar. I started to read this 2 days ago, but got side tracked and just came back now to read it. i'm so happy that i did. i think i'm gonna tell a side of my story that no one knows. time for me to open up a little bit :). it might be a long one tho haha
