What does it take to live a good life?
For me, a good life is referring to a life with happiness. For others a good life could refer to wealth, love, or fame. All of which are fleeting ideals and aren't particularly good or does not ensure a "good" life, because you can find all those things in very bad situations or by "not-so-good" means. Pure happiness is always good.
To live a life that is good, I believe, is based off of your decisions and your reactions to other's decisions. If the decisions you make always somehow conflict with your happiness or made to inflict harm upon another individual, you may find it hard to live a good life. I don't consider myself a believer in karma because the just may die and the evil may thrive, but I do believe that positive energy attracts positive energy and negative energy feeds upon negative energy. Your actions always cause reactions, and these things can have an effect on your happiness.
We bring a lot of negative things upon ourselves without realizing. Let us be forgiving, open, kind, and understanding. Let us not base our decisions upon our raw emotions and learn to hone and refine them in a way that lets us think clearly and without doubt. Let us let ourselves be happy :)
♥ Kimokeo
I totally agree with you. i can't really say anything because you said it all lol.