According to my oh so faithful Urban Dictionary: rimming is the act of using the tongue on the anal rim of another person in order to gain and/or give sexual pleasure.
I have had many a conversation with my peers and their fear, whether male or female, of rimming. There is a negative connotation that hovers over the ass with most people. Although these same people find the ass quite attractive, they do not feel obliged to service it (lol).
I was talking to my friend, who had just recently had sex. Her boyfriend was eating her pussy and just so happened to reach a little lower and lick her ass, and suddenly all her negative connotations that were associated with rimming had vanished. She said that she had enjoyed it and really wouldn't mind doing it again.
The only word of caution is that you're confidently sure that your sex partner practices good hygiene. This is should be stressed anyway, because a dirty pussy or dick is a definite NO NO! :)
♥ Kimokeo
i remember my first experience with rimming. CHYLE... I didn't even wanna have sex anymore i just wanted him to keep doing it hahahaha