I don’t usually watch daytime television, or really much of any television. I am not a fan of talk shows, but one day I was caught up in an episode of Tyra, and I must say that this particular showing was rather interesting. The first segment was dedicated to women with weight problems. One woman wanted to weigh at least 1,000 pounds. She considered herself a reverse-anorexic because every time she looked into the mirror she felt that she was too small (never mind the fact that she weighed about 500 pounds).
But the real reason I am writing this post is because of the segment where there were 5 women sitting in a row next to Tyra and she exclaimed, “Sitting beside me are 5 women and 10 vaginas!” Now, I have to say, I didn’t know how to react to this. Was I shocked? Appalled? Excited? Maybe a mixture of all three. This was an anomaly that I was not aware existed!
The women expressed that they actually liked having two vaginas and that they prefer to use both in sexual intercourse, and from an unanimous vote their husbands were ecstatic for the possibilities of the choice (and even a gay man in the audience seemed to want to be apart of the fun ;)). One of the women said that she preferred her left vagina, so I suppose either her clitoris is more sensitive on the left or it is tighter on the left or that it is simply just the most dominant.
Yet the thing that really threw me for a loop, is that one of the five women had gotten pregnant in each vagina at the same time (this was how she found out she had two vaginas). So two babies, which technically are not twins, are developed in two different wounds. Double the vagina! Double the baby! Double the wound! Double the PAIN! Just imagine going into labor and dilating twice at the same time! I seriously do not know how that woman survived that but more power to her.
So I ask you if you were given the choice would you take two vaginas over one? Hmmm?
♥ Kimokeo
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